Pe baza calității profesionale ridicate a numărului mare de lucrări înscrise, juriul a selectat 350 de lucrări pentru programul principal al Bienalei. Acestea vor fi disponibile online pe site-ul Bienalei și prezentate în format electronic în cadrul expozițiilor.
Ținând cont de capacitatea spațiilor de expunere și de limitele catalogului, juriul internațional format din șapte membri a clasificat materialele Bienalei după cum urmează: primele 250 de lucrări din cele 350 selectate vor fi incluse în catalogul Bienalei, respectiv în expozițiile acesteia.
Primele 250 de lucrări
Entry Id | Nume | Titlul lucrării | Țară | |
3669 | Ábrahám Jakab | Áttörés | RO | România |
3417 | Adam Czech | Kawiarnia 2E | PL | Polonia |
3557 | Adarsh Palandi | INTERLUDE | IN | India |
3556 | Adrian Sandu | I and myself | RO | România |
3667 | Adriana Mihaela Pop | Dissolution | RO | România |
3623 | Agata Dworzak-Subocz | Synergy_17 | PL | Polonia |
3797 | Agata Gertchen | Motherhood _31 | PL | Polonia |
3617 | Agnieszka Lech-Binczycka | Tenebre | PL | Polonia |
3778 | Aleksandra Lasoń | Inclusion XIV | PL | Polonia |
3618 | Alicja Habisiak-Matczak | Inside Out / Outside In – XIV Edmonton Mall | PL | Polonia |
3468 | Amnat Kongwaree | The Moon | TH | Thailanda |
3413 | André Berger | “Path” State Proof III (“Vereda” P.E. III) | BR | Brazilia |
4113 | Andrea Moračanin | No title | SR | Serbia |
4126 | Andreas Panayi | Stages of Balance | CY | Cipru |
3644 | Andrei-Răzvan Neciu | Take it with a grain of salt | RO | România |
3723 | Andrew Rice | Is It Finished? | US | Statele Unite ale Americii |
3716 | Andrzej Kalina | Poza układem 3 | PL | Polonia |
3507 | Andrzej Węcławski | “Adyton _Kurtyna_ XVII” | PL | Polonia |
4287 | Andrzej Wochnik | Apoptosis II | PL | Polonia |
3771 | Anna Berrino | Equilibrium Act III | IT | Italia |
3664 | Anna Szkobodzińska | NGC 1027 | PL | Polonia |
3794 | Anna Trojanowska | ADMINISTARTIVE DELIGHT_04 | PL | Polonia |
4069 | Antal István | Leeway of victory Nr 1 | AT | Austria |
3720 | Antonia Taralli | Margolis I | GR | Grecia |
4072 | Antonina Kałużna | Transform II | PL | Polonia |
3516 | António Canau | Two symbiotic mechanical translucent human forms!? | PT | Portugalia |
3946 | Anusorn Chaiyu | Tomatoes in care | TH | Thailanda |
3903 | Aphiwat Chanthaban | Make a living | TH | Thailanda |
3796 | Apirat Rerkdee | Liminal Space – A place of Tranquility | TH | Thailanda |
3592 | Augusto Sampaio | PACKAGES, PAPERS, PROJECTS | BR | Brazilia |
4303 | Bács Emese | Bemozdultan behálózva | HU | Ungaria |
4085 | Bankó Denisz | Kirakat II. | HU | Ungaria |
3744 | Barbara Komaniecka | Who is there? | PL | Polonia |
3941 | Barta János | Tömegek Gyűlölete | HU | Ungaria |
3726 | Batista Ovidiu | La vie en roze | RO | România |
3980 | Bawornsin Lamnuan | trial | TH | Thailanda |
4284 | Benjaphorn Satornrach | We Are Going To The Moon | TH | Thailanda |
3996 | Biró Borbála | Nullpont | RO | România |
3660 | Bodor Anikó | Leszállva a falvédőről | HU | Ungaria |
4053 | Buba Petru Radu | Relax, Fear, Flood | RO | România |
4115 | Bugyi István József | Hirtelen lett Rutin | HU | Ungaria |
4354 | Burus Botond | Egyensúly | HU | Ungaria |
4290 | Chanikran Kaewlai | The position | TH | Thailanda |
3472 | Claudio Osán | La herencia del tiempo II | AR | Argentina |
3435 | Cleo Wilkinson | Ascension | AU | Australia |
4119 | Cristian Opris | ”Dezastrele razboiului” | RO | România |
4117 | Daniela Roman | Clara au chevalet | FR | Franța |
4272 | Daniela Sobetchi | DISTORSIONE 3 | IT | Italia |
3748 | Danka Attila | KARMA | HU | Ungaria |
3947 | Daradics Árpád | BBQ / BBQ | HU | Ungaria |
3605 | Darya Hancharova | The inside constellation 3 | PL | Polonia |
3433 | Deborah Chapman | Va et vient sans fin | CA | Canada |
3829 | Dicső Eszter Nóra | Játszunk? I. | HU | Ungaria |
3650 | Dimény András | Sikoly-2 | RO | România |
3531 | Dimitrije Pecić | Waiting for take off | SR | Serbia |
4263 | Dobó Bianka | Mű-emlék-mű I. | HU | Ungaria |
3974 | Domen Dimovski | 2048 | SI | Slovenia |
4315 | Dominika Surmacz | configuration xxy-4 | PL | Polonia |
3952 | Dong Jiayuan | Mirror | CN | China |
4215 | Dorota Herbik | SOL INVICTUS 1 | PL | Polonia |
3755 | Dragana Kuprešanin | “U-Ki-Ki” (“The Wraps” opus) / diptych, 1/2 | SR | Serbia |
3559 | Edvin Dragičević | Altius I | HR | Croația |
4150 | Elian Stolarsky | País extraño III (strange country III) 3 | ES | Spania |
3840 | Emrah Sezer | Başkanın Kokusu | TR | Turcia |
4076 | Eric Mummery | Just a Thought | CA | Canada |
4005 | Evan Summer | Dawn | US | Statele Unite ale Americii |
3732 | Ewa Kozłowska | Trumna (Coffin) | PL | Polonia |
3722 | Fazakas Barna | Summit | RO | România |
3713 | Felsmann Tamás | Felsmann Tamás _ Hommage Michaël Borremans No. 47 | HU | Ungaria |
3953 | Fu Bin | Fossils 2984 | CN | China |
4045 | Gabriela Olosutean | „Imagine I” | RO | România |
3587 | Gacsályi Bíborka Lina | (M)erre vágysz… VII | HU | Ungaria |
4023 | Georg Bothe | Sonic Reducer II (e.a. VI/VI) | DE | Germania |
3867 | Gesztelyi Nagy Zsuzsa | Egész életünkben a magányt kell gyógyítanunk III. | HU | Ungaria |
3928 | Gollowitzer Szabina | Ripsz V. | HU | Ungaria |
3853 | Guanchu Zhu | transform0050 | CN | China |
3414 | Guy Langevin | Planète | CA | Canada |
3985 | Hamid reza Bashiri | Untitled number 6 | IR | Iran |
4077 | Haruhiko Yoshinaga | Transparent obscurities and remembrances | JP | Japonia |
3869 | Horváth Rita | Öngyulladás | HU | Ungaria |
4003 | Horváth-Kovács Panna | Nárcisszusz Útja a Tó Mélyéig | RO | România |
3473 | Hui Zhang | In the face of time, doubt about repetition | CN | China |
3614 | Hulievych Serhii | Decimation | UA | Ucraina |
3919 | Hung Anh Pham | Vietnamese tools | VN | Vietnam |
3465 | Irina Gonzales | En lo interior | PE | Peru |
4244 | Ivácson Rebekka | Iterations_no1 | HU | Ungaria |
4329 | Ivona Pupačić | Domestic Grid | HR | Croația |
4184 | Jagoda Jaworska | The Apple of my Eye | PL | Polonia |
3884 | Jakabos Júlia | Utastájékoztatás | HU | Ungaria |
3613 | Jámbor Éva | Cím nélkül | HU | Ungaria |
3743 | Jan Kukułka | Scape 6: Backspace | PL | Polonia |
3633 | Jang Guin Lim | Human shield | KR | Coreea de Sud |
4280 | Janne Laine | Dystopia II | FI | Finlanda |
3779 | Jiahao Wang | 《战争-丢脸》 | CN | China |
3765 | Jing Liu | Teacher-02 | CN | China |
3863 | Jirakit Thungsuk | Freedom from old structure I | TH | Thailanda |
4352 | Jiří Hanuš | Cosmo VIII | CZ | Republica Cehă |
3431 | Johannes Christopher Gerard | Out Of Balance | NL | Olanda |
4014 | Johny Hycinte Ngbwa | riva | IT | Italia |
4174 | Jónás Péter | Árnyék-zsilip III. | HU | Ungaria |
3619 | Juhász Dorina | System | HU | Ungaria |
4220 | Julia Rut | Memory XXIX | PL | Polonia |
3809 | Kamil Kocurek | Destruction 3 | PL | Polonia |
3424 | Kamil Zaleski | Powtorzenia 63 | PL | Polonia |
3701 | Kántor József | Drónok | HU | Ungaria |
3517 | Karim Bassegoda | Opened Trapdoor #4 | CH | Elveţia |
4300 | Karol Polak | Saturn Devouring His Son | PL | Polonia |
4345 | Karol Pomykala | Mirage One direction 1 | PL | Polonia |
3628 | Karolina Zimna-Stelmaszewska | Ariel | PL | Polonia |
4172 | Katarzyna Kroczek-Wasińska | Balance II | PL | Polonia |
4347 | Katarzyna Tereszkiewicz | Identity projection III | PL | Polonia |
3970 | Katarzyna Winczek | The Territory K. I, IV | PL | Polonia |
4149 | Katarzyna Zimna | immerging | PL | Polonia |
4048 | Katarzyna Żugaj | Rhythmic space 1 | PL | Polonia |
3944 | Kelemen Miklós | Befejezetlen szobor részlet II. | HU | Ungaria |
3639 | Király György | Turnov kék csendje | HU | Ungaria |
4114 | Kiss Ferenc | Inventory: D’Revolution, Rediscovery | HU | Ungaria |
3816 | Kittikawin Prasong | Door of life NO.2 | TH | Thailanda |
4344 | Kónya Kincső | Aszály II. | HU | Ungaria |
4306 | Kovács Csonga Anikó | Kaleidoszkóp (részlet), diptichon | SK | Slovacia |
4006 | Kritsaya Kamultra | Monkey toilet | TH | Thailanda |
3876 | Kubra Gurlesen Yildiz | Becoming Earth V | TR | Turcia |
3688 | Laura Czuczor | Nutshell | HU | Ungaria |
4125 | Łucja Bańkowska | Powidok S | PL | Polonia |
4277 | Łukasz Koniuszy | The Memory of Place I | PL | Polonia |
3839 | Madácsy István | Fekete lyuk – Sewelô-gyémánt | HU | Ungaria |
3543 | Magda Szplit | Into the dark | PL | Polonia |
3656 | Magdalena Agata Bak | Parallellisme Oslo 4 | NO | Norvegia |
3715 | Magdalena Piwko-Chudzik | Ethnic structures | PL | Polonia |
3997 | Magdalena Swierczek | Triage V | PL | Polonia |
3749 | Maja K. Stawicka-Pipowska | W próżni (eng. In limbo) | PL | Polonia |
4129 | Małgorzata Stanielewicz | Long shadows | PL | Polonia |
3464 | Manfred Egger | Momentum I | AT | Austria |
3627 | Manuel Ruelas | “Con Amor” With Love | MX | Mexic |
3862 | Marcin Białas | NUN | PL | Polonia |
4218 | Marcin Dudek | Current status II | PL | Polonia |
4241 | Marco Poma | Il declino della luce | IT | Italia |
3728 | Marco Trentin | Private identity n2 | IT | Italia |
3728 | Marco Trentin | Private identity n4 | IT | Italia |
3572 | Marek Grzyb | Emptiness | PL | Polonia |
4055 | Marek Zajko | Psychomotoric mutations I – version 4 | PL | Polonia |
4243 | Maria Pina Bentivenga | Luminaria III- B | IT | Italia |
4205 | Maria Zwolińska | distortion | PL | Polonia |
4092 | Maria-Elena Șofrac | ID-ENTITY (2) | RO | România |
3920 | Mariusz Filipowicz | NUMBER 55 | PL | Polonia |
4335 | Marlena Biczak | Memory 1 | PL | Polonia |
4335 | Marlena Biczak | Memory 2 | PL | Polonia |
3745 | Marta Dawidiuk | Comp 1 (0;00;00;00) | PL | Polonia |
4148 | Marta Dziomdziora | Doors (1) | PL | Polonia |
4161 | Marta Pogorzelec | Tabula rasa I | PL | Polonia |
3665 | Marta Śliwiak | Speep | PL | Polonia |
4351 | Martinecz Nóra Márta Nóra | cím nélkül | HU | Ungaria |
3735 | Mehdi Darvishi | Evaporated 2 | US | Statele Unite ale Americii |
3636 | Michal Tadeusz Golanski | Barcelona | IT | Italia |
4063 | Mihaela Lungu | Cognitive fire blaze/ Incendiu cognitiv | RO | România |
3690 | Mihail Voicu | T@rget, Versus series | RO | România |
3954 | Miklós Gábor | Lapfürdőzés II. | HU | Ungaria |
4368 | Milan Krajnović | The End Of The Cycle | BA | Bosnia și Herțegovina |
4047 | Milena Petrović | ,,homesick” | SR | Serbia |
3629 | Modesto Thiago | Ritual | BR | Brazilia |
4288 | Monika Pałka | CITY, RAIN | PL | Polonia |
4221 | Mualla Gürle | tears of nature | TR | Turcia |
3541 | Müberra Bülbül | Transformation | TR | Turcia |
4147 | Nádas Alexandra | Hordozható kert I. | HU | Ungaria |
3534 | Natalia Pawlus | they are better | PL | Polonia |
4242 | Négyesi Ádám | Indeterminable lines twigs | HU | Ungaria |
3742 | Nguyen Rosalie (artist name: Bich) | Samson | FR | Franța |
3466 | Nikola Kašterović | To which front it will take us | BA | Bosnia și Herțegovina |
4167 | Nilgün Köseoğlu | ATA 216 | TR | Turcia |
3925 | Nils-Erik Mattsson | Object on green disk | SE | Suedia |
4247 | Nophaklao Srimatyakun | Basketries : Fish trap no.1 | TH | Thailanda |
3631 | Nuttapong Boonmeelarp | Flexible | TH | Thailanda |
4094 | Oksana Budna | My head | PL | Polonia |
3578 | Olesya Dzhurayeva | Under the pressure. The Abyss | UA | Ucraina |
4081 | Orosz Csaba | Diksha (beavatás) 1. | HU | Ungaria |
3620 | Ovidiu Petca | Aesthetic Intelligence IV /Inteligență estetică IV | RO | România |
4267 | Ovidiu Tarța | Into The Light | RO | România |
3902 | Pakorn Khammaha | THE PAST TO THE PRESENT | TH | Thailanda |
3807 | Passawee Senaprem | When is the time | TH | Thailanda |
3781 | Patipon Supanpong | Thing and Traces in Memory12 | TH | Thailanda |
3750 | Pató Károly | Memento | HU | Ungaria |
4116 | Paulina Tarara | brave new adam | PL | Polonia |
3895 | Paweł Bińczycki | Tree of Life | PL | Polonia |
4216 | Péter Ágnes | AZ EGYENSÚLY 01 MI&mi | HU | Ungaria |
3648 | Pető Hunor | Csoportterápia | HU | Ungaria |
4250 | Pisit Wiratwisit | Variations of natural and life No.1 | TH | Thailanda |
3632 | Pochtakorn Kongpool | Toys made from imaginary material and memoriesNo.4 | TH | Thailanda |
3711 | Prach Piamuay | Jackpots_king_stage24 | TH | Thailanda |
3635 | Prashant Phirangi | BREATH | IN | India |
3939 | Prawpen Suntarekulpong | Purgatory VI | TH | Thailanda |
3838 | Puskai Sarolta | Tárgyalás | RO | România |
4310 | Raluca Pavelescu | The monument | RO | România |
4084 | Raluca-Ionela Dîm | 1992 | RO | România |
3890 | Rattana Sudjarit | The way in future No.1 | TH | Thailanda |
3680 | Rinat Khabirov | Still life 3 | UK | Regatul Unit |
4343 | Ritli Róbert Roland | Struktúra II. | RO | România |
3546 | Roberto Carrillo | Melancholy 2 | MX | Mexic |
3553 | Ruiz Jean Paul | 461 | FR | Franța |
3455 | Sarita Rauta | Surch your own way | IN | India |
3805 | Satitkun Mongkolruangrit | Between us | TH | Thailanda |
4009 | Sawit Nojit | Belief, Faith or Capitalism, The Meditating Buddh | TH | Thailanda |
3762 | Semih Çinar | I saw the end of the world | TR | Turcia |
3972 | Siklódi Fruzsina Erzsébet | Testbeli felületek | RO | România |
3707 | Siklódy Fruzsina | Theather III. | RO | România |
4207 | Simon Zsolt | Az angyal vacsorája | HU | Ungaria |
4010 | Siyu Long | Aurora1 | CN | China |
4057 | Somorjai-Kiss Tibor | Fekete lyuk 2. | HU | Ungaria |
3492 | Stanislaw Cholewa | artifact 2 | PL | Polonia |
4217 | Stark István | Góc 9. | HU | Ungaria |
3754 | Stefanovits Péter | Érzelmi egyensúly I. | HU | Ungaria |
3704 | Suplicz Gergely | They always win | HU | Ungaria |
4016 | Szabó Ábel | Untitled No. 45 | HU | Ungaria |
3730 | Széchenyi Beatrix | Jegyzet a pecfekcionizmsról I. | HU | Ungaria |
4202 | Szepessy Béla | Látomások Epheszoszban | HU | Ungaria |
3450 | Szilágyi Rudolf | Csendes éj | HU | Ungaria |
3646 | Szőke Erika | Csukcsföldi Vénusz I. | SK | Slovacia |
3653 | Szőnyi Krisztina | Előlről | HU | Ungaria |
3913 | Szücs János | Rope balance | HU | Ungaria |
4253 | Tanisorn Bunbanchaya | Still life no.4 | TH | Thailanda |
4324 | Técsi Boglárka | XENOTYPE BETŰKOMPOZÍCIÓ (W) | HU | Ungaria |
3692 | Teerawoot Com-on | Family Relationships | TH | Thailanda |
4192 | Teppong Hongsrimueang | Belief of North east Thai people 3 | TH | Thailanda |
4011 | Theerawat Mikhawan | Gender Me No.11 | TH | Thailanda |
4319 | Tobai Botond István | Deconstrucreation | HU | Ungaria |
4209 | Toldi Flóra | Hajnali háztetők III. | HU | Ungaria |
4209 | Toldi Flóra | Hajnali háztetők IV. | HU | Ungaria |
4122 | Tomasz Chudzik | State of balance- egzo object I b | PL | Polonia |
4355 | Tomasz Lingo | Gut9ght | PL | Polonia |
4180 | Tomasz Winiarski | Perpetuum mobile: CXVI | PL | Polonia |
4158 | Toró Attila | Ying-Yang | RO | România |
3549 | Ulrich Gábor | Kiszámítható következmények | HU | Ungaria |
3659 | Vasiliki (Vasso) Chatzimanoli | Untitle | GR | Grecia |
3659 | Vasiliki (Vasso) Chatzimanoli | Untitle | GR | Grecia |
3539 | Végvári Beatrix | Kényes egyensúly | HU | Ungaria |
3651 | Vimonmarn Khanthachavana | Rose Pincushions in Painscape II | TH | Thailanda |
4002 | Wari Saengsuwo | Life object No.2 | TH | Thailanda |
4204 | Watanai Magate | Together… | TH | Thailanda |
4239 | Wawrzyniec Strzemieczny | Great Attractor | PL | Polonia |
3571 | Wei Yuhang | Circle’s story XIV | CN | China |
4369 | Wojciech Domagalski | Gienia_4 | PL | Polonia |
4070 | Wojciech Tylbor-Kubrakiewicz | Augenblick | PL | Polonia |
3662 | Ximena Medina Sancho | Candelabro del desierto | CL | Chile |
3855 | Yao Shunyu | War of words | CN | China |
3808 | Yuliang Yao | Reclamation Diary | CN | China |
3760 | Yutt Puektasajatam | City Town Home 1 | TH | Thailanda |
4328 | Zareba Witold | We move around the company at a run I | PL | Polonia |
3981 | Zdejszy Jakub | Melancholy II | PL | Polonia |
4198 | Zeman Zoltán | Natural Intelligence | HU | Ungaria |
3969 | Zhang Minjie | Stage No.17 | CN | China |
3538 | Zhaoyang Zeng | THE METAPHYSICS OF GEOMETRY #1 | CN | China |
Lucrări disponibile online
Entry Id | Nume | Titlul lucrării | Țară | |
3645 | Adrian Lis | CROSS | RO | România |
3575 | Adrian Timar | Constructivism-Deconstructivism 690 | RO | România |
3973 | Agata Burzyńska | Another one | PL | Polonia |
3449 | Albert Levente | Fénytávolság1 | RO | România |
3733 | Alberto Balletti | wrecker | IT | Italia |
4162 | Ana Vivoda | Fragments of morning 2 | HR | Croația |
4100 | Anna Kodź | Totem III | PL | Polonia |
4334 | Barbara Czapor-Zareba | Interior Blue 5 | PL | Polonia |
4194 | Biró János | Mens bestiarum II | RO | România |
4096 | Budaházi Tibor | Római töredék I. | HU | Ungaria |
3558 | Carlos Torres | “Incendio de la Primavera” | MX | Mexic |
3868 | Chalam Opchoei | Physically Free IX | TH | Thailanda |
3588 | Ciocan Daria | “Bube” din seria Trovanți | RO | România |
4233 | Ciprian Chirileanu | Utopic City 1 | RO | România |
3519 | Colin Gillespie | ‘watchers’ | UK | Regatul Unit |
3524 | Corine PAGNY | I AM HUMAN | FR | Franța |
3647 | Csízy László | Információ folyamok | HU | Ungaria |
3833 | Dadányi Zsófia | Teregetés | HU | Ungaria |
4176 | Dariusz Kaca | Lux versus Tenebras | PL | Polonia |
3655 | Delia Elena Suteu | “Left Behind” | RO | România |
3861 | Dominik Wlodarek | Window, Elblag, Gallery EL | PL | Polonia |
3727 | Dr. Nityananda Gaine | existance-20 | BD | Bangladesh |
4336 | Dumitru Lungu | Interferente | MD | Moldova |
3998 | Egyed Tibor | Mennyit is ér? – Mibe kerül? | HU | Ungaria |
4033 | Enyedi Zsuzsanna | KONSTELLÁCIÓK | HU | Ungaria |
3729 | Evangelos Tasios | Pigskin shoes | GR | Grecia |
4038 | Fazakas Eszter | Formális hupsz | RO | România |
3785 | Félix Enrique García Luna | The Dance of Time | MX | Mexic |
4121 | Ficzek Ferenc ifj. | Árnyéktér II. | HU | Ungaria |
4311 | Flavia Lorena Maxim | Țesătură | RO | România |
4123 | Frimmel Gyula | Kettős portré | HU | Ungaria |
4346 | Gál Krisztián | Treshold 02 | HU | Ungaria |
3843 | Ghyczy Csongor | Háttérzaj (Egy könyv lapjai, 24. oldal) | HU | Ungaria |
3601 | Giacomo Miracola | The Balkan route | IT | Italia |
3432 | Glenn Thomas | Men-Women | NL | Olanda |
3600 | Gui Jiang | Smart fishing port | CN | China |
4154 | Gunn Techaworawitayakoon | Rocking horse | TH | Thailanda |
4029 | HAász Ágnes | Manézs | HU | Ungaria |
3757 | Hassan Zahreddine | The tin box | CA | Canada |
3958 | Helga Chibidziura | Burger 1:5; 9 x 4,5 cm; 15.Feb.24; € 1,80 | AT | Austria |
3529 | Hernández Castillo Víctor Manuel | ” I AM ALL THIRSTY FOR CORROSION” | MX | Mexic |
3581 | Hyejeong Kwon | Never ending story | KR | Coreea de Sud |
3712 | Ivo Pecov | Nikola Tesla dreamed of free electricity for all | BG | Bulgaria |
3418 | Jacek Joostberens | KS_LI_N°2 | PL | Polonia |
3471 | Jaco Putker | Creeps & Cryptids No.27: Frankenstein’s Monster | NL | Olanda |
3416 | Jaeger Tibor | Annabella találkozása a helytartóval | SE | Suedia |
3440 | James Johnson-Perkins | The Assembly of the Gods, After Raphael, Kathmandu | UK | Regatul Unit |
4266 | Jánváry Zoltán | Úti jegyzetek 2 | HU | Ungaria |
3677 | Jayne Reid Jackson | Offerings | US | Statele Unite ale Americii |
4352 | Jiří Hanuš | In the space between | CZ | Republica Cehă |
4013 | Justin Diggle | Crinoid Surveillance Module. | US | Statele Unite ale Americii |
3725 | Kelemen Benő Benjámin | Elmozdulás 3. | HU | Ungaria |
4367 | Krnács Ágota | Határeset, avagy egy irányított migráció lenyomata | HU | Ungaria |
3683 | Kun Péter | Játszótér | HU | Ungaria |
3570 | László Hajnalka | Everyday weights | RO | România |
4089 | László Mária Édua | Rózsaszín ölelés | HU | Ungaria |
3961 | Liu Fu | Beginning•Cradle | CN | China |
4237 | Lőrincz Imre Levente | Halotti lepel | RO | România |
3554 | Lucilla Rossi | Un intorno sulla frontiera | IT | Italia |
4037 | Lukács József Jóka | Hintázó Magok I. | HU | Ungaria |
4331 | Łukasz Cywicki | Space of time – I | PL | Polonia |
4091 | M. Fatih Gök | crowded XVIII | TR | Turcia |
3831 | Mari Holecz | hanging roles I. | HU | Ungaria |
4230 | Maria dundakova | co-Living city Streets Book, Pages B | CH | Elveţia |
3452 | Mariusz Dański | From the dot game series – open | PL | Polonia |
4012 | Marta Lech | 16.06 | PL | Polonia |
3804 | Marta Tomczyk | Notes from space… with cadmium red 8 | PL | Polonia |
3803 | Masaaki Sugita | “I wanted just to engrave” Improvisation No. 1 | JP | Japonia |
3510 | Masato Nagai | Birth of land | JP | Japonia |
3735 | Mehdi Darvishi | The Night | US | Statele Unite ale Americii |
3685 | Michail Falkonis | Creeping Fear I | GR | Grecia |
3982 | Michela Mascarucci | La Messa è finita | IT | Italia |
3882 | Mikó Petra | 0Dilemma | HU | Ungaria |
3583 | Nathan Meltz | The Golem Smashes All Walls | US | Statele Unite ale Americii |
3714 | Nathan Tan Yew Wai | My Forest Void Deck #01 | SG | Singapore |
3893 | Nyers Dániel | Rorschach I. | HU | Ungaria |
4282 | Oliver Pilic | Night Life – Still Life | SI | Slovenia |
3640 | Orbán Anna-Mária | Valyon melyik kek a hibas | RO | România |
4206 | Orosz-Stefán Renáta | Házi Feladat | HU | Ungaria |
3699 | Pál Csaba | Párhuzamos helyzetek 01 | HU | Ungaria |
4289 | Paulina Bobak | The Absent? 5 | PL | Polonia |
4289 | Paulina Bobak | Anthropological forms 9 | PL | Polonia |
3791 | Pavel Pisklakov | Easter | RU | Rusia |
3718 | Paweł Delekta | Przestrzenie Labiryntów XIV | PL | Polonia |
4223 | Prakarn Jantaravichit | Pumpkin No.2 | TH | Thailanda |
3999 | Reining Vivien | Szomjúság V. | HU | Ungaria |
3957 | Sándor Lilla | Harmónia II. | HU | Ungaria |
3691 | Sasamon Songprapai | Home #2 | TH | Thailanda |
3873 | Schell Réka | Eltitkolt történet III. | HU | Ungaria |
3802 | Serena Pagnini | Folla IV | IT | Italia |
3977 | Silvia Șoșoiu | Zori | RO | România |
3595 | Sinka Péter | Folyam I. | HU | Ungaria |
3630 | Snezhina Biserova | Cora`s Window-V | BG | Bulgaria |
3924 | Sorrathun Ouikhum | Boredom’s Gaze: The Bitter Wind | TH | Thailanda |
3512 | Stanislav Bojankov | Sub-statio-I | BG | Bulgaria |
3434 | Stefania Patrikiou | Empty | GR | Grecia |
4301 | Stephen Menon | Aku Bukan Pendatang ( I’m not an immigrant ) | MY | Malaezia |
3737 | Surasak Sornsena | Printed records of Isaan-Thailand mural paintings | TH | Thailanda |
3960 | Szabó Réka | Ottfelejtett történetek 1 | RO | România |
3836 | Szerényi Gábor | Üt az óra | HU | Ungaria |
4027 | Thaksin Yodprathum | A dream that I want to be 2 | TH | Thailanda |
3830 | Thammasin Darunkan | feels like we are gathering around and konnecting | TH | Thailanda |
4359 | Ungvári-Zrínyi Kata | Waste botanicals (Claua Membranea Vulgaris) | RO | România |
3637 | Valentini Mavrodoglou | scream | GR | Grecia |
3577 | Veljašević Vladimir | 1 | SR | Serbia |
3763 | Vică Tilă – Adorian | LUI PEPELEA | RO | România |
3914 | Vitos Hajnal | Múlt és jövő | RO | România |
3942 | Wiktoria Kosiek | Epoche | PL | Polonia |
3806 | Yitong Wang | Mental Image-Game | CN | China |
4375 | Zakar Antal | BALANCE NO1 | HU | Ungaria |
4164 | Zatoka Dariusz | Tower | PL | Polonia |
3415 | Zenon Burdy | Harbour23b | CA | Canada |
3652 | Zhang wenhui | Guanshan Series No. 1 | CN | China |
3535 | Zoran Mishe | Needle in a haystack,a bloody struggle for a needl | BG | Bulgaria |