During the ten weeks application period around 2000 creations were submitted from 844 artists of 62 countries. The professional jury selected 303 artworks into the exhibition material of the biennial, which we publish here in the following list.
Nr. | Name | Title of the artwork | Country |
1 | Ábrahám Jakab | Szürke horizontok | Romania |
2 | Adam Czech | SILESIAN STREETWALKER 1A | Poland |
3 | Adrian Josef Schichta | “Zabawy na wrotkach, II” | Poland |
4 | Adrian Lis | HUMAN STAMP | Romania |
5 | Agata Dworzak-Subocz | Synergy_7 | Poland |
6 | Agnieszka Cieślińska | Bestiary Lion | Poland |
7 | Agnieszka Jankiewicz | the present times III | Poland |
8 | Agnieszka Lech-Bińczycka | Imprint | Poland |
9 | Alberto Balletti | Stunt Ration | Italy |
10 | Alejandra Coirini | bar, flamingo | Argentina |
11 | Aleksandra Lasoń | Leftovers XXIX | Poland |
12 | Alexandra Brezeanu | Bulbi de pământ | Romania |
13 | Crâmpei | Romania | |
14 | Alicja Habisiak-Matczak | Inferno – VI Cerchio | Poland |
15 | Alicja Niekrasz | Frida Fokhalo | Poland |
16 | Alja Kosar | Untitled | Slovenia |
17 | Amnat Kongwaree | We’re in the same boat I | Thailand |
18 | Ana Vivoda | Fragments of Morning 1 | Croatia |
19 | Anabela Sládek | Frozen Fields of the Future #5C | Slovakia |
20 | Anais Charras | Peine perdue | France |
21 | André Berger | Composition III: temple, seed, genesis | Brazil |
22 | Andreea Medar | ㆨ᎒ ༼ᚗꕄ ꒲~ꕇ꒿ ᘓ꒿ꕇ꒿ʭ ʭ꒿~ᦔ ꗤ꒿꒑ʭ꒿ꔳᒪ༼ ꕄᘓᦔ꒿ʭ | Romania |
23 | Andrei- Răzvan Neciu | ”Teatru prietenos” | Romania |
24 | Andrzej Mosio | Induction (right) | Poland |
25 | Andrzej Węcławski | “Adyton_ Kurtyna IV a” | Poland |
26 | Angyal Olívia | Álca | Romania |
27 | Anna Kodź | Transformation I | Poland |
28 | Anna Trojanowska | UTWÓR PRACOWNICZY_03 | Poland |
29 | UTWÓR PRACOWNICZY_06 | Poland | |
30 | Antal István | Képhiba / Glitch | Austria |
31 | Antoni Kowalski | lacrimosa | Poland |
32 | Anusorn Chaiyu | Afternoon tea | Thailand |
33 | Apirat Rerkdee | The Narrow Space of Vastness No.1 | Thailand |
34 | Aros Éva | Felszínen maradni… / Stay afloat… | Hungary |
35 | Augusto Sampaio | ABC_MONOTYPE | Brazil |
36 | Awo Tsegah | Fragile | Ghana |
37 | Ázbej Kristóf | Loving Cup (Szent Grál) X.-20220201 | Hungary |
38 | Loving Cup (Szent Grál) XI.-20220122 | Hungary | |
39 | Bács Emese | Egy város története I. | Hungary |
40 | Balogh Kristóf József | Barcsay mesterrel | Hungary |
41 | Barbara Komaniecka | Big furry | Poland |
42 | Barta János | The Beast that shouted Love | Hungary |
43 | Barti Magdolna | Ahogy kint, úgy bent II. (5/1) | Hungary |
44 | Bartis Elemér Márton | Hangportré | Hungary |
45 | Bartłomiej Żak | this f***ing chair again | Poland |
46 | Belousova Natalia | No people | Russia |
47 | Boguszewska Natasza | Summer Days | Poland |
48 | Boros Mátyás | Hogyan rejtsünk el egy gondo… | Hungary |
49 | Bugyi István József | Partra vetett párbeszéd | Hungary |
50 | Carla Ibarra | Alma Mater | Mexico |
51 | Cătălina Nistor | Frica | Romania |
52 | Chawit Srisawad | When I was young with my imaginary space. | Thailand |
53 | Christopher Nowicki | Sweet Potatoes | Poland |
54 | Cleo Wilkinson | Encounter | Australia |
55 | Colin Gillespie | ‘The Parade’ | United Kingdom |
56 | Cristina Vladila | My Wall 2 | Romania |
57 | Csizy László | Élő energiák | Hungary |
58 | Cui Xiaohua | Fragile soul No.4 | China |
59 | Czakó Petra | Maszkok | Hungary |
60 | Dan Obana | Dancing Fever for Blissful World 1 | Japan |
61 | Daniela Savini | The body | Italy |
62 | Daniela Sobetchi | Autoritratto | Italy |
63 | Daradics Árpád | A pillanat hatalma | Hungary |
64 | Deborah Chapman | Jeu d’lillution | Canada |
65 | Dimitrije Pecić | The Street | Serbia |
66 | Dobó Bianka | Monument 1. | Hungary |
67 | Monument 2. | Hungary | |
68 | Dr. Nityananda Gaine | Existance-22 | Bangladesh |
69 | Dumitru Lungu | Gulag | Moldova |
70 | Durst Márta | Éjszakai fény 2. | Hungary |
71 | Edvin Dragičević | Subterraneus I | Croatia |
72 | Subterraneus II | Croatia | |
73 | Egyed Tibor | A gyűjtemény halála után megsemmisült II. | Hungary |
74 | Elżbieta Ćwik | Ecdysis | Poland |
75 | Emrah Sezer | Sinirli Leopard | Turkey |
76 | Enyedi Zsolt | A Laposföld Társaság elméletei X. | Hungary |
77 | Enyedi Zsuzsanna | EURÓPA ELRABLÁSA | Hungary |
78 | Eric Mummery | Time-Binding | Canada |
79 | Evangelos Tasios | Afrogali (Αφρόγαλη) | Greece |
80 | Ewa Jaworska | Wsłuchiwać sie (eng. To feel) | Poland |
81 | Fazakas Barna | Dreamscape II. | Romania |
82 | Felsmann Tamás | BASILICA MAIOR No.1. (Architectural Heritage) | Hungary |
83 | Foster Boyajian | City | United States of America |
84 | Franciszek Niec | Interfield2 | Poland |
85 | Frimmel Gyula | Froggy | Hungary |
86 | Fülöp Mária | Emlékezés és felejtés metszéspontja I | Romania |
87 | Gacsályi Bíborka | Maszk | Hungary |
88 | Georg Bothe | Kettinge Landscape No. 3 (CNG LIV), e.a. I/VI | Germany |
89 | Gesztelyi Nagy Zsuzsa | Pieter de Hooch parafrázis | Hungary |
90 | Ghyczy Csongor | Legyünk ellenségek (Egy könyv lapjai, 10. oldal) | Hungary |
91 | Glenn Thomas | Just another day | Netherlands |
92 | Gollowitzer Szabina | Distance I. | Hungary |
93 | Goran Trickovski | Another meaningless work, from meaningless life | Bulgaria |
94 | Grzegorz Drobny | No title 1 | Poland |
95 | Gui Jiang | Westbound Comics | China |
96 | Guy Langevin | Aux aurores 2 | Canada |
97 | Gyenes Gábor | shelter | Slovakia |
98 | Haider Ali Jan | Heat of the Moment | Pakistan |
99 | Hamid Reza Bashiri | From untitled series | Iran |
100 | Hao Luo | faces | China |
101 | Haruhiko Yoshinaga | Table garden / T.O.21-0-01 | Japan |
102 | Hegedűs 2 László | A növény is nő | Hungary |
103 | Hegedűs Tibor | Press fire button to start I. | Hungary |
104 | Hernádi Paula | ÚTVESZTŐ | Hungary |
105 | Hui Zhang | Red gibberish in the binary world-02 | China |
106 | Husein Šljivo | PORTRET 1 | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
107 | Iga Mikulska | War_1. D.I.Y. | Poland |
108 | War_2. D.I.Y. | Poland | |
109 | Ioannis Anastasiou | XXIc Trichotomy VIII | Greece |
110 | Irina Gonzales | Cubo II | Peru |
111 | Ivácson Rebekka | Alteration_no7 | Hungary |
112 | Izabela Kucharska | Self portrait | Poland |
113 | Jacek Machowski | First block between the heaps | Poland |
114 | Jacek Portka | Zone | Poland |
115 | Jaco Putker | The Pondering | Netherlands |
116 | Jaeger Tibor | Belsö világ | Sweden |
117 | Jakub Jaszewski | Fornax Umbrosa | Poland |
118 | Jakub Zdejszy | Fading past | Poland |
119 | Jancsikity József | Gyülekezők | Hungary |
120 | Janne Laine | Overwhelming | Finland |
121 | Kohti valoa (Towards light) | Finland | |
122 | Jayne Reid Jackson | Convergence | United States of America |
123 | Jingxuan Zhang | Fission-02 | China |
124 | Johannes Christopher Gerard | Drawing Lost In Space | Netherlands |
125 | Jónás Péter | Pad-idézetek III. (Hiátus) | Hungary |
126 | Joseph Scheer | Cactus #46 Saguaro Sonora | United States of America |
127 | Justin Diggle | A Whale from the Great Salt Lake, Utah. | United States of America |
128 | Kamil Kocurek | Barrier 2a | Poland |
129 | Kamil Zaleski | Powtórzenia 16 | Poland |
130 | Kamruzzaman Kamruzzaman | survivor | Bangladesh |
131 | Kana Veradacha | Over the top | Thailand |
132 | Mendreczky Karina | Eva | Hungary |
133 | Karol Gawronski | year 2021 | Poland |
134 | Karol Polak | PIXEL WALL | Poland |
135 | Karolina Zimna-Stelmaszewska | Solar System | Poland |
136 | Katarzyna Kroczek-Wasińska | Cappelarum CLVI | Poland |
137 | Katarzyna Nowakowska | Plate | Poland |
138 | Katarzyna Tereszkiewicz | Place identity – Rzeszów III | Poland |
139 | Place identity – Rzeszów V | Poland | |
140 | Király György | Silentium I. | Hungary |
141 | Király Zsuzsa | Circle wave | Slovakia |
142 | Kiss Natália | A tér határai 3 | Serbia |
143 | Kónya Kincső | Éntörvény 03 | Hungary |
144 | Kortmann Járay Katalin | Roots | Hungary |
145 | Kovács Adrienn | Prés | Hungary |
146 | Kovács Csonga Anikó | Deformációk (triptichon) | Slovakia |
147 | Krizbai Gergely | Királyok Városa II. | Hungary |
148 | Kun Péter | Hétköznapi stratégiák I. | Hungary |
149 | Laila Terra | Album 1 – From contemplation to practice – print 12 | Brazil |
150 | László Hajnalka | SELF DISTANCING | Romania |
151 | Léstyán Csaba | Placebo (Veritas premitur non opprimitur) | Romania |
152 | Liu Fu | Rhythm of the City Series III | China |
153 | Longauer Boróka | Az vagy … I | Romania |
154 | Lőrincz Imre-Levente | Belső mor | Romania |
155 | Łukasz Koniuszy | Industrial Structure | Poland |
156 | Luminita Monica Radu | Pietre 1 | Romania |
157 | Magda Szplit | Small fish | Poland |
158 | Magdalena Banaś | Magma | Poland |
159 | Magdalena Palmowska | Feet | Poland |
160 | Magdalena Uchman | Boy | Poland |
161 | Magdalena Weber | Pictures from the back of my mind. | Poland |
162 | Maja Zemunik | Without title | Croatia |
163 | Malgorzata Chomicz | Mindfulness I | Italy |
164 | Mindfulness IV | Italy | |
165 | Małgorzata Jarosz | oblivion part2 | Poland |
166 | Małgorzata Zaremba | Eros defeated Thanatos | Poland |
167 | Marcela Gawęda | bez tytułu III | Poland |
168 | Marcin Bialas | Half-Life | Poland |
169 | Marcin Dudek | Dark Matter IV | Poland |
170 | Marco Poma | Levante | Italy |
171 | Nembostrato | Italy | |
172 | Marek Zajko | Morthisanctus 1 version 4 | Poland |
173 | Maria Syrakvash | Milky Way | Belarus |
174 | Maria Winbjörk | Hold On 03 | Sweden |
175 | Maria Zwolińska | FAR AWAY FROM HERE | Poland |
176 | Marija Marcelionyte-Paliuke | Reincarnation. She | Lithuania |
177 | Mariusz Dański | From the cycle I sowed white seed – A(.) – I feel | Poland |
178 | Mariusz Gorzelak | The stones of Girona 2 | Poland |
179 | Marta Dziomdziora | Windows (2) | Poland |
180 | Martin Ševčovič | From the Cycle Explicate Interpretation | Slovakia |
181 | Mateusz Patrzyk-De Oliveira | Painbody II | Poland |
182 | Mayer Éva | Továbbított üzenet VI. | Hungary |
183 | Mészáros Márta | Die Stadt 1. | Hungary |
184 | Michail Falkonis | Deconstruction | Greece |
185 | Michał Rygielski | The Moment – from cycle: Project ARTzheimer | Poland |
186 | Miklós Gábor | Kicsit gyűrött lettem I-II-III. | Hungary |
187 | Tekintet I-II. | Hungary | |
188 | Miklós Kelemen | Raklapok II. | Hungary |
189 | Raklapok III. | Hungary | |
190 | Mirella Marino | Untitled #1 (from the “Object Print” Series) | Brazil |
191 | Mirjana Milovanovic | Diary | Serbia |
192 | Mirosław Pawłowski | Utopology 1 | Poland |
193 | Mirta Kupferminc | TRAS UN IDEAL- Towards a Hope | Argentina |
194 | Monika Pałka | CiTY II | Poland |
195 | Mr.Vorakorn Metmanorom | Talking Stone # 2 | Thailand |
196 | Muhammet Fatih Gök | Landscape II | Turkey |
197 | Nádas Alexandra | Hordozható kert (lábasház) III. | Hungary |
198 | Nastazja Ciupa | V | Poland |
199 | VI | Poland | |
200 | Nattakamon Tangtanaphong | Take a break No.2 | Thailand |
201 | Nenad Zeljić | Rocket | Serbia |
202 | Nikola Dabić | Kernel panic | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
203 | Nikola Mišel Puklin | Vendetta | Croatia |
204 | Nopparat Intitanon | Past To Present | Thailand |
205 | Nuttakarn Vajasut | Retrospective | Thailand |
206 | Oksana Budna | Peace of mind v. 1 | Poland |
207 | Oleg Pochtar | 24.02.2022 Ukraine | Ukraine |
208 | Olesya Dzhurayeva | “The Scream” | Ukraine |
209 | Oliver Pilic | The Invisible Guest I (sub-sample) | Slovenia |
210 | Ondrej Revický | Correlation A 220320185745730699 | Slovakia |
211 | Orbán Zsófia | Pathetic Despair 02 | Hungary |
212 | Orosz Csaba | D.I.Y. 1. (samsara) | Hungary |
213 | Ország László | Rózsaszín-kaloda | Hungary |
214 | Ovidiu Petca | Tristan IX | Romania |
215 | Ozsváth Zsuzsa | Stop worrying and love the bomb | Romania |
216 | Pablo Querea Gutierrez | covid 19- locked up in the 20 | Mexico |
217 | Pál Csaba | Naplórészletek 01 | Hungary |
218 | Paola Lucrezi | Un amore | Italy |
219 | Patipon Supanpong | TANUKI | Thailand |
220 | Pató Károly | “Délutáni napfény” | Hungary |
221 | Patrick Casey | To Live Below Light Speed You Must Be Honest | United States of America |
222 | Patrick Luetzelschwab | Basel II | Germany |
223 | Patrik Ševčík | MotoGP | Slovakia |
224 | Patrycja Chrzanowska | Walls are still solid | Poland |
225 | Paulina Bobak | Absentees II | Poland |
226 | Paweł Bińczycki | Between | Poland |
227 | Paweł Delekta | Elements of creation IV | Poland |
228 | Peter Augustovic | ILLAUSION 2 | Slovakia |
229 | Pető Hunor | Király és királynő | Hungary |
230 | Piotr Czyż | Bucky and… | Poland |
231 | Piotr Żaczek | Tristia III | Poland |
232 | Pisit Wiratwisit | One precious life no.5 | Thailand |
233 | Pongsatorn Prapaipak | Imagery of the human relationship with the technol | Thailand |
234 | Prakrit Jansri | Lonneliness No.2 | Thailand |
235 | Prashant PhIrángi | FINAL VERDICT | India |
236 | Puskai Sarolta | EXITUS III. | Romania |
237 | Rába Judit | Próféciák 7. | Hungary |
238 | Raluca Pavelescu | Emigratie | Romania |
239 | Rinat Khabirov | The time erases everything | Russia |
240 | Ritli Róbert Roland | Mechanizmus II. | Romania |
241 | Róbert Makar | Comfort | Slovakia |
242 | Roxana Bloju | _as it is_01 | Romania |
243 | _as it is_03 | Romania | |
244 | Sándor Lilla | Szignatúra II. | Hungary |
245 | Sandra Lima e Silva | TIME THE MASTER OF EVERTHING I | Brazil |
246 | Shabnam Karpasand | the past | Iran |
247 | Shanatya Tahpor | The Horizon dawn of loneliness | Thailand |
248 | Shang Mingyang | Part | China |
249 | Siklódy Ferenc | Biztonság | Romania |
250 | Siklódy Fruzsina | Interior 2 | Romania |
251 | Silvia Balážová | Roots | Slovakia |
252 | Sinka Péter | Display Error I. | Hungary |
253 | Siupka Weronika | Terminus IV | Poland |
254 | Siyu Long | Serendipity2 | China |
255 | Snezhina Biserova | Dehumanized Space-III | Bulgaria |
256 | Soren Kastalje | Free as a Bird | Denmark |
257 | Sorrathun Ouikhum | ADambiguous Mirrors | Thailand |
258 | Stanisla Lutfi-Rakhmanov | from series “Severance” | Russia |
259 | Stanisław Cholewa | Family portrait XIV | Poland |
260 | Stark István | Érfestés II. 09 | Hungary |
261 | Stefania Patrikiou | U-topia 0.1 | Greece |
262 | Supicha Sutanthavibul | The Boundaries of Freedom 2 | Thailand |
263 | Suplicz Gergely | Ma bort iszom / Graforizmák sorozat 1/3 | Hungary |
264 | Enyém a Bosszúállás / Graforizmák sorozat 2/3 | Hungary | |
265 | Sureepohn Kamsub | A whole new world | Thailand |
266 | Szabó Andrea | Sziklák 01 | Hungary |
267 | Sziklák 04 | Hungary | |
268 | Szén András | Time’s Monolith 2 | Hungary |
269 | Szepessy Béla | Circus Maximus 2022 | Hungary |
270 | Szilák Andrea Lilla | Nuclear Plant C | Hungary |
271 | Tania Chou | Silent | Taiwan |
272 | Tarun Sharma | Let there be light | India |
273 | Teeranad Pangsanit | The hidden poison no.1 | Thailand |
274 | Teerawoot Com On | Happy Wedding Day on Heaven No.2 | Thailand |
275 | Tengjiao Sun | INFINITE | China |
276 | Thiago Modesto | Sagrado | Brazil |
277 | Tomasz Chudzik | The Great Journey II | Poland |
278 | Tomasz Winiarski | Perpetuum mobile: CVII B | Poland |
279 | Tomecz Dániel | Cím nélkül | Hungary |
280 | Toró Attila | Csendvonalak I. | Romania |
281 | Toró József | Én és te | Hungary |
282 | Tushar Sahay | MIRROR | India |
283 | Upneet Kaur Mair | Thief and Raccoon | United States of America |
284 | Vass Tibor | Malachit 2. | Hungary |
285 | Vasyl Savchenko | Gen.16.33.42 | Ukraine |
286 | Végvári Beatrix | Egy másik ügy | Hungary |
287 | Külön-vélemény | Hungary | |
288 | Vermes Zoltán István | Nyitottszemű Krisztus | Hungary |
289 | Vimonmarn Khanthachavana | Pincus hions in Painscape V | Thailand |
290 | Vinicius Libardoni | Vao Livre | Poland |
291 | Vladimir Anisimov | The Fall of Icarus | Russia |
292 | Vlado Goreski | Vlado Goreski-Leviathan – Kerber | North Macedonia |
293 | Wieme Frédéric | No way out | Belgium |
294 | Wieslaw Haladaj | Symmetry | Poland |
295 | Wiktor Drozynski | The possibility of a human being III | Poland |
296 | Wiktor Wiater | Lesson story of art | Poland |
297 | Xiaoyun Kang | commoner-5 | China |
298 | Noiseless-9 | China | |
299 | Zakar Antal | Hiszek (I Belive) No2. | Hungary |
300 | Zareba Witold | Pole manewru 22 | Poland |
301 | Zenon Burdy | Harbour22b | Canada |
302 | Zhang Minjie | Stage No.10 | China |
303 | Zoran Mishe | The truth – let’s play III | Bulgaria |