
The Exhibition Was Opened, the Prizes Were Awarded

The exhibition of the Graphics Review, 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland was opened at the Transylvanian Art Center in Sfântu Gheorghe, on the Day of Hungarian Culture, 22 January, 2015. On this occasion the ceremony of awarding the best artworks was held.

The opening ceremony of the biennial started at the Transylvanian Art Center, where Zoltán Vécsi Nagy, director of the institute, and Zsolt Siklodi, curator of the biennial, greeted those present and spoke highly of the exhibition.

Zsolt Siklodi presented the history of the Graphics Review, mentioning that it is an international fine arts event supported by the councils of the counties of Szeklerland, namely Harghita, Covasna and Mureș, and it was first organized in 2010, then in 2012. The aim of the organizers was to define the place of graphic endeavors of our narrower and wider region, Szeklerland and the Carpathian Basin, within global trends, besides, to bring and make known, through the event, fine arts views born in other parts of the world. According to Zsolt Siklodi, the fact that the biennial has indeed become an international event, is also confirmed by the fact that 336 artists submitted their applications with 783 artworks, from 32 countries. He added that the international jury consisting of graphic artists and professors of universities of art selected 228 artworks for the review, which are exhibited for the first time at the Transylvanian Art Center and at the Szekler National Museum. The former hosts the artworks belonging to the category of experimental graphics as well as the awarded works of this year’s biennial and the latter offers space for the artworks created with the technique of traditional graphics.

The curator evaluated the event with the following words: “Based on these data we can rightly say that the Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland has become the greatest fine arts competition and event of this kind in the country. Thus the graphics review moves in the right direction, having earned itself the rank of obliging the applying artist to high quality.”

In his opening speech Zoltán Vécsi Nagy expressed his conviction that the 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, by now growing into its maturity, has a beneficial effect upon the fine arts of our region, Szeklerland, but in a wider context also of the whole nation and country, of the entire region of the Carpathian Basin. He considered it especially fortunate that owing to the social capital arising from the openness of organization characterizing the biennial, the event has acquired an international character, as a consequence of which artworks of excellent graphic artists have entered the review. He also added: “I consider it a great thing that not only graphic artists of the wider region, but also the local ones, from Transylvania, from Szeklerland, hold their ground worthily in this high standard international field.”

The opening of the exhibition was followed by the awarding ceremony, on which the Háromszék Prize for Culture and the prizes for the best artworks of the biennial were awarded. Two special prizes, three prizes of 1,000 euro offered by the organizing counties from Szeklerland and a main prize of 2,000 euro provided by the Ministry of Culture were awarded. The Zereda Art Camp Prize was awarded to Gabriella Lakatos, artist from Odorhei, Romania; the Pulzus Art Camp Prize was awarded to Norbert Filep graphic artist, Romania; the Nagy Imre Prize offered by the Harghita County Council was awarded to Magda Szplit, graphic artist from Poland as well as to Teodor Asenov, graphic artist from Bulgaria; the Nagy Pál Prize offered by the Sóvidék Microregional Association was taken over by Diar Nurbintoro, ambassador of Indonesia on behalf of Reno Megy Setiawan, Indonesian artist; the Plugor Sándor Prize offered by the Covasna County Council was awarded by Sándor Tamás, president of Covasna County Council, to Gergely Kárpáti, artist from Hungary; and finally, the Main Prize of the Biennial was awarded by Csilla Hegedűs, the Deputy Secretary General for Culture of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, to Erika Szőke, graphic artist from Slovakia. The awarding ceremony was made more colorful by the contribution of the jazz band Impro-Víziók 2.2.

The organizers would like to thank all participating artists for their contribution to the standard and success of the event.

The Graphics Review, with already three editions so far, was organized by the Covasna County Council and the Cultural Center of Covasna County, in close collaboration with the Harghita County Council, the Transylvanian Art Center and the Lăzarea Cultural and Creation Center.

The event was supported by the Ministry of Culture of Romania, the Mureș County Organization of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, the Sóvidék Microregional Association, Sfântu Gheorghe Town Hall, the Pulzus Art Camp, the MUKK Culture and Youth Association, the Sfântu Gheorghe Branch of the Romanian Fine Artists Union, the Szekler National Museum as well as the MAGMA Contemporary Exhibition Space.

Special media partner of the biennial was the Association of Hungarian Journalists of Romania; media partners were the Háromszék, the Hargita Népe, the Transindex, the Erdé, the Székely Hírmondó, the Népújság, the KorkéP, the Hungarian Television of Transylvania, the Harghita Studio, the Hungarian Program of the Romanian Television, the Radio Târgu Mureș, Radio Cluj-Napoca and the Sláger Radio.

The main patron of the 3rd Graphic Art Biennial is Hunor Kelemen, president of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, former Minister of Culture, Romania.

We thank them all for their support!


Awarded artworks of the biennial

2105-A-Korona-RGB2105-B-Elment-RGB2105-C-Lelekjelenlet-RGB1095-A-Alter_Ego-RGB1022-C-autumn-RGB1061-A-RGB1023-C-Connecting-RGB1140-A-RGB1144-A-Land 1-RGB1144-B-Land 2-RGB

Main Prize of the Biennial
Szke Erika / Slovakia
The Crown / mixed technique / 70x100cm / 2014
Gone / c -print / 49x37cm / 2014
Presence of Mind / mixed technique / 100x70cm / 2014

Nagy Imre Prize
Magda Szplit / Poland
Alter Ego III / linocut / 86×73,5cm / 2013
Teodor Asenov / Bulgaria
Autumn / etching, aquatint / 62x60cm / 2014

Plugor Sándor Prize
Kárpáti Gergely / Hungary
Coat, cap, scarf / woodcut / 67,5×33,2cm / 2014

Nagy Pál Prize
Reno Megy Setiawan / Indonesia
Connecting People / woodcut / 70x90cm / 2013

Zereda Art Camp Prize
Lakatos Gabriella / Romania
The Impression of the Fog / mixed technique / 60x90cm / 2014

Pulzus Art Camp Prizes
Filep Norbert / Romania
Land 1 / woodcut / 65x50cm / 2013
Land 2 / woodcut / 65x50cm / 2013


Members of the jury

Dr. habil. Csontó Lajos
graphic artist – associate professor, Eszterházy Károly College, Eger, Hungary
Dr. habil. Erőss István
graphic artist – associate professor, Eszterházy Károly College, Eger, Hungary
Prof. dr. Róbert Jančovič
graphic artist – professor, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia
Siklodi Zsolt
graphic artist – curator of the biennial, Sovata, Romania
Dr. habil. DLA Somorjai-Kiss Tibor
graphic artist – professor, rector, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Prof. dr. Ujvárossy László
graphic artist – professor, Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania
Vécsi Nagy Zoltán
art historian – Transylvanian Center of Fine Arts, Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania

Invitation to the opening ceremony of the 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland

The Covasna County Council, the Cultural Center of Covasna County, the Harghita County Council, the Cultural and Art Centre of Lazarea, and the Transilvanian Art Center cordially invite You to the opening ceremony of the Graphics Review, 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland.

Venue and date: Sfântu Gheorghe, 22 January, 2015

11:00 am –17:00 pm
During the day you can visit:
the exhibition of selected artworks of the Graphics Review, 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland at the Transilvanian Art Center and at the Szekler National Museum,
the solo exhibition, opened on 15 January, of Ágnes Péter, Grand Prize Winner of the 2nd edition of the Graphics Biennial at the MAGMA Contemporary Art Exhibition Space,
the exhibition from the awarded works of the previous biennials at the House with Arcade

17:00 pm
Official opening of the 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland at the Transilvanian Art Center

19:00 pm
Awarding ceremony in the Great Hall of the Tamási Áron Theatre:
awarding the Háromszék Prize for Culture on the occasion of the Day of Hungarian Culture,
awarding the prizes of the 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland,
jazz concert: Impro-visions 2.2

We are looking forward to welcoming You at the event!


3rd Graphics Review. Programme of the event

15 January, 2015, 7:00 pm
Ágnes Péter’s exhibition / Grand Prize, 2nd edition of the biennial
MAGMA Contemporary Art Space

21 January, 2015, 7:00 pm
Exhibition from the awarded works of the previous biennials
House with Arcades

22 January, 2015, 5:00 pm
Exhibition opening of the 3rd Graphics Review
Transilvanian Art Center

22 January, 2015, 7:00 pm
Awarding ceremony,
awarding the Háromszék Prize for Culture
Tamási Áron Theatre

We held a press conference on the results

Yesterday we held a press conference on the occasion of closing the application phase of the  Graphics Review, the 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, and the pre-selection of the submitted artworks. On the press conference István Imreh Marton, director of the Covasna County Cultural Center, Zsolt Siklódi, graphic artist, the curator of the biennial, and Zoltán Vécsi Nagy, art historian, director of the Transylvanian Art Centre, related on the course of the events so far.

Zsolt Siklódi curator reported that 336 artists entered for the review with reproductions of 783 artworks. The applications arrived from 32 countries, most of them from Hungary and Romania, however, there also appear on the palette such distant countries as Egypt, Korea, China, Indonesia and Iran. According to Zsolt Siklódi, this great diversity can be considered as a step forward as compared to the previous biennial. He remarked that the two announced application categories met similar interest: 166 applications have been submitted in the category of traditional graphics and 170 applications in the category of experimental graphics; there are also artists who submitted artworks in both categories. 387 artworks have been registered in the former category and 396 in the latter.

It was also mentioned that the received digital reproductions corresponding to the conditions of the application were evaluated by the jury last weekend, between 26 and 28 November 2014. In the course of this the jury selected 228 artworks going on to the next phase, which will be exhibited at the Transylvanian Art Centre and will be included in the catalogue of the biennial. The exhibition will be opened on 22 January 2015, on the Day of Hungarian Culture, as the closing event of the biennial.

Zoltán Vécsi Nagy highlighted that the jury, consisting of internationally renowned graphic artists and university professors, evaluated the artworks, besides the criteria pertaining to content and form formulated in the Call for Application, also based on professional criteria such as the quality, message and character of the artwork. Summing up the evaluation of the jury he said: “The overall impression is that the quality has significantly improved as compared to the previous biennial. This means that it works well, the quality jury and the artworks presented on the exhibition impose a certain standard on the artists.” He concluded by stating his opinion that the biennial moves in the right direction.


Important! The deadline has been modified

color list 85bWe would like to inform the artists whoose works were selected by the jury that we have modified the deadline for sending the original artworks.
The date of 17 December 2014 has been modified, from the deadline of receiving the originals of the artworks, to the date of posting.



List of selected artworks

I. Traditional Graphics


Reg. nr.

Author’s name

Title of the art work


1 1001 Balletti Alberto 1. NotSelf ITA
2 2. Leather socks
3 1002 Illés Anna Maszkok I. HUN
4 1003 Aleksandra Supińska „La Casa” („Edifice”) POL
5 Stary Browar” („Old Brewery”)
6 1004 Jelena Jovančov 1. From the cycle reflections MNE
7 2. From the cycle Reflections – Ships
8 1005 Anastasija Sosunova Sound Prints: Didgeridoo LTU
9 1006 Pál Csaba Átjáró_02 HUN
10 1008 Alex Yair von Pentz ’’Reflective Land” ITA
11 1009 Appel Verena Forst 8 GER
12 1013 Makai Mira Dalma Lila- narancs kompozíció HUN
13 1016 Szenteczki Csaba Tájkép 02_2014 HUN
14 1018 Ana Vivoda Traces 1 CRO
15 Traces 2
16 1019 Adina Comsa Peisaj existent I ROU
17 Peisaj existent II
18 1022 Teodor Asenov Winter BUL
19 Summer
20 Autumn
21 1023 Reno Megy Setiawan Super-Ego#2 INA
22 Customers: Chemical or Organic
23 Connecting People
24 1024 Anali Vakili Mirror Collection IRI
25 1025 Stanielewicz Małgorzata „City. Disorders I” POL
26 „City. Disorders II”
27 1026 Ana Brumat El Toro SLO
28 1028 Mészáros Marianna Merre? HUN
29 1031 Milda Urbšytė PEACE OF CAKE LTU
31 1032 Radu Luminiţa Monica Tovarăşul ROU
32 PCR
33 1035 Zoran Mise Sleepin giant II BUL
34 Sleepin giant V
35 1036 Iyok Prayogo Amen INA
36 1038 Kristina Nikolova Vatova 1. If you could show yourself… BUL
37 2. If you could hide yourself…
38 1041 Giczy Kristóf Bankrendszer Gargantua HUN
39 Politika Gargantua
40 Média Gargantua
41 1043 Syahrizal Pahlevi Printmaking On The Street #2 INA
43 1044 Tudor Câmpean The Chamber of Being ROU
44 Out of Sync
45 1045 Miklóssy Mária Emlékezés ROU
46 1046 Marta Tomczyk The horizons of the events 13 POL
47 The horizons of the events 14
48 1048 Andreea Anghel Float 1 POL
49 Float II
50 1050 Ábrahám Jakab Remény ROU
51 1051 Chang yu-ya Staring Call TPE
52 1052 Song Jia-Syuan (上岸)Up the Coast TPE
53 1054 M Fadhlil Abdi ”Humanity” INA
54 ”Drawning”
55 ”Pieces”
56 1057 Gidó Szende Melinda „Cím nélkül” ROU
57 1061 Kárpáti Gergely kabát, sapka, sál HUN
58 1063 Tsai,Meng-Hsia CAT WALK I TPE
59 1065 Uschi Dechow LONGING GER
60 1067 Martin Ševčovič SONDE 1 SVK
61 SONDE 2
62 1072 Chen Zengwang Guarding Kina
63 1078 Várkonyi György Hajnal HUN
64 1082 Németh Attila Levente The Root Chakra ROU
65 1083 Léstyán Csaba Kalitka ROU
66 1084 Mehdi Darvishi Until one hundred years later IRI
67 1084 Outside of the Time
68 1084 The end of the Game
69 1089 Canuto Kallan „If They Could They Would Take It All/ No Mercy” GRE
70 1090 Michael Falconis The End is Always the Same GRE
71 1092 Luzsicza Árpád Jel-kert 1 HUN
72 Jel-kert 2
73 1093 Spanopoulos Dimitrios Rock stories GRE
74 1095 Magda Szplit Alter Ego III POL
75 Alter Ego IV
76 1098 Szepessy Béla Keresztek hegye III. – A maga keresztje HUN
77 1099 Kis Annamária Judit Háromszor egy nap I. HUN
78 Háromszor egy nap II.
79 1100 Modreanu Roxana „Under Pressure 4” ROU
80 „Under Pressure 3”
81 1107 Kovács Nikolett Négy szín 1 HUN
82 Négy szín 2
83 1108 Lipkovics Péter János Skeleton 1 HUN
84 1110 Ewelina Masztanowicz TWICE AS POL
86 1113 Király György Városi Tájkép II.-III. (Többrészes sorozatból) HUN
87 1114 Miklósi Dénes Kutyaiskola ROU
88 1115 Péter Alpár Intervention IV. (gesztus értékű tájbeavatkozás, Dél Korea) ROU
89 1118 Ilyés Réka Fák I ROU
90 1120 Juhász Katinka Dzsungelben sziesztázó kellemes modorú vadállat HUN
91 1124 Fehér Zsanett Ildikó ARCOM III. HUN
92 1129 Sztranyák Zsófia Insomnia HUN
93 1131 Kelemen Bíborka Ildikó Hetedíziglen-férfivonal HUN
94 Hetedíziglen-női vonal
95 1133 Czimbal István Ismeretlen 1. HUN
96 1136 Pócsik Borbála Mortimer HUN
97 1140 Lakatos Gabriella A köd impressziója ROU
98 Sötétség délben
99 Ébredés
100 1142 Marina Provatidou 1. Bread is not enough to feed everyone GRE
101 1143 Nádas Alexandra 3. Medence magasban I. HUN
102 1144 Filep Norbert 1. Land 1 ROU
103 2. Land 2
104 1146 Lipták Ágnes 1. ISP/RISP HUN
105 1147 Nguyen Lan Lilla 1. Cím nélkül HUN
106 1148 Bartis Elemér Márton 1. Trója ROU
107 1152 Jónás Péter 1. Torony – emlék I. HUN
108 2. Torony – emlék II.
109 1155 Opris Cristian Punct ROU
110 Punct (Sagetator)
111 1156 Tarța Ovidiu Florin Notebook ROU
112 Notebook II
113 1163 Migle Puzaite „Collecting memories. No. 4D50001” LTU
114 „Collecting memories. No. 5250002”
115 „Collecting memories. No. 4442004”


II. Experimental Graphics


Reg. nr.

Author’s name

Title of the art work


1 2001 Albert Levente Embrió 1 ROU
2 Embrió 3
3 2002 Irene Hoppenberg Characters I GER
4 2003 Jaeger Tibor Vátozások 1 SWE
5 2004 Gál Orsolya Végtelen sok Egy ROU
6 2008 Mohamed Zakaria Soltan The Internal Struggle EGY
7 2009 Szabó Réka Madách Imre „Az Ember Tragédiája” ROU
8 2010 Traian Gligor Another Place I GER
9 2012 László Hajnalka Nem eladó! / Not for sale! ROU
10 Magány / Solitude
11 Készenlét / Standby
12 2014 Sljivo Husein Kiss BIH
13 2015 Ficzek Ferenc MAJK II. HUN
15 2017 Kis László “Lelet” HUN
16 2018 Jovana Mitić The touch Szerbia
17 Different thoughts
18 2019 Heisoo Ryu Shining Prayer Korea
19 How are you dear?
20 2020 Ferentinou Myrto Real Estate GRE
21 To have and have not
22 2021 Stefanovits Péter Időszámítás I. HUN
23 Időszámítás II.
24 Időszámítás III.
25 2026 Vásárhelyi Antal Az ismeretlen kör HUN
26 2027 Végvári Beatrix Erővonal HUN
27 2028 Ana Vivoda Faces CRO
28 2030 Botár László Fészkek ROU
29 2031 Szilágyi Rudolf Instan tájrészlet HUN
30 2033 Jakabhazi Alexandru Oglindire ROU
31 2034 Katarina Fabijanić Discontinued circles CRO
32 Discontinued rectangles
33 2035 Csillag István Éberség II. ROU
34 2037 Căbuz Andrea …S MÉG AZON IS TÚL… ROU
35 2040 Marie Adamian Autoportrate ARM
36 2046 Szabó Andrea Teljesség felé II. HUN
37 2049 Fürjesi Csaba Come Home HUN
38 2050 Huszti János Ragyogás I. HUN
39 Ragyogás II.
40 Ragyogás III.
41 2052 Molnár Attila Absztrakt erő HUN
42 Panelprogram 1.
43 Térbeli cérnaszálak
44 2055 Lovadi Kinga Teljesség ROU
45 Töprengő
46 2056 Rumen Mihov Dimitrov Circle of life II BUL
47 2057 Sándor Edit UNIVER2 HUN
48 2059 Ferencz S. Apor Bonyolult kapcsolatok No. 5 ROU
49 Every day is the same
50 2061 Branko Nikolov The rest is missing I BUL
51 The rest is missing II
52 2064 Enyedi Zsuzsanna Melankólia I. HUN
53 Melankólia II.
54 2065 Urbán Tibor – Vass Tibor A nagy favágás II. HUN
55 2066 Fülöp György Kör I. ROU
56 Kör III.
57 2067 Ioan Horvath Bugnariu Loredana face zilnic… ROU
58 Știri ieftine
59 2068 Pál Éva Válts szeretetre! HUN
60 Switch to love!
61 2070 Pető Hunor Rekonstrukció 007. HUN
62 2071 Andreea Anghel Non/Random Access Memories 1 POL
63 Non/Random Access Memories II
64 2072 Felsmann Tamás IN MEMORIAN YBL MIKLÓS NO 1. HUN
66 2073 Vytenis Tolutis The Center LTU
67 North
68 2075 Becsey Zsuzsa Sárga tánc B (3/1) HUN
69 2076 Oberfrank Luca XX. századi ikon HUN
70 universe
71 2077 Dimény András Vándorlás ROU
72 2078 Rizal Eka Pramana Those Who Speak Through Ideas of Other INA
73 2079 Pataki Tibor Könyv-evolució HUN
74 2083 Szabó Kristóf Uazás II. Alulljárók HUN
75 2084 Fehér István KERESZTEZÉS HUN
76 2086 Simon Zsolt LEVÉL RÉSZLET II. HUN
77 2088 Kádár Katalin A cirkusz fényei HUN
78 2089 Szabó András Tardus nox – Lassú éj – Noapte lentă ROU
79 2091 Antal István ALMA MATER No2 HUN
80 2092 Izsák Előd Rajz I. ROU
81 Rajz II.
82 2093 Kurotamunonye Ibanibo
Shredding Negritude NIG
83 2094 Kovács Olivér Arthur Rare founder HUN
84 2097 Köllő Margit GYIMES-KATEDRÁLIS (Spiritul locului) ROU
85 2098 Henryk Krolikowski Passenger 09, from series „Traces of Immaterial” POL
86 2099 Zeman Zoltán Biblikon HUN
87 2103 Kis Annamária Judit FONAT HUN
88 2104 Fejes Soma Bogát Miskolci anzix I. HUN
89 2105 Szőke Erika Korona SVK
90 Elment
91 Lélekjelenlét
92 2109 Kassai Andrea 2. Táskaleltár II. HUN
93 3. Táskaleltár III.
94 2110 Domokos Zsolt 1. Lifeline / Életvonal ROU
95 2111 Török Tihamér 1. Robo14 – Optimus ROU
96 2117 Gyömrei Ágnes 2. Betű tükröződés HUN
97 2119 Péter Ágnes 1. Kiáradó erők I. HUN
98 2120 Bende Attila 3. Vörös ablakok ROU
99 2122 Kónya Kincső Pálma 3. Napló HUN
100 2126 Máté Anna 2. Rész és egész 2. HUN
101 3. Rész és egész 3.
102 2127 Simon Péter Bence 2. TYPE MOIRÉ FOLDED (RORSCHACH) HUN
104 2130 Argiry Vasilakou Gerakarakou 1. THERMOPYLES GRE
105 2133 Nagy Sándor Zsolt 1. Szent(l)Élek ENG
106 2141 Daradics Árpad LOVAS MESEK HUN
107 2143 Erőss Csongor Subconscious VI. ROU
108 Subconscious VII.
109 2145 Kósa Gergő 3. Bulcsú utca 21/a –Gizi néni történetei HUN
110 2148 Zsíros Emőke-Csilla 1. Zsiros Emőke-Csilla ROU
111 2149 Szarvák Antal 1. Tízparancsolat HUN
112 2156 Odmaa Uranchimeg 3. Goolingoo MGL
113 2157 Tolnay Imre 1.Civilizációs engramok 5 HUN
114 2.Civilizációs engramok 6
115 2159 Ujvárossy Kerekes Gyöngyi Fény – Kép I. ROU
116 2160 Négyesi Ádam Displaced 2 HUN
117 2161 Kónya Réka Flower Power ROU
118 Town Trans
119 2163 Czimbal Gyula Magyar tánc HUN
120 2166 Ajk Piercc + Tee Kho ! When We Were Waterfalls_8.3. POL
121 2169 Szőcs Géza II. Őrző HUN


The application phase has come to an end

The application phase of the Graphics Review, the 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland has come to an end. About 800 applications have been submitted from 32 countries.

336 artists have submitted their applications with the reproductions of 783 artworks. The majority of the applications have been sent from Hungary and Romania, however, there also appear on the palette such distant countries as Egypt, Korea, Canada, Indonesia and Iran.

The two announced application categories met equal interest: 166 applications have been submitted in the category of traditional graphics and 170 applications in the category of experimental graphics; there are also artists who submitted artworks in both categories. 387 artworks have been registered in the former category and 396 in the latter.

The submitted digital reproductions which meet the application criteria will be evaluated by the jury on 27 and 28 November 2014. During the evaluation process the jury will select the artworks which will actually take part in the review. The creators of the selected artworks will be notified by e-mail; besides, the list of the selected works will be communicated on our website as well.

We will soon communicate the evaluation results of the jury. Further information on the biennial can be found at:

Deadline extended

We have extended the entry phase of the Graphics Review, the 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland with five more days. The new deadline for sending the digital reproductions of your work is 25 November 2014, 12 p.m.

Accordingly, the deadline for sending the original works is also changed: instead of 12 December 2014, we expect them until the 17 December 2014.

The entry form and other important information on the application can be found on the website of the event:

Ten more days to apply

The entry phase of the Graphics Review, the 3rd Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland lasts for ten more days. Deadline for sending the digital reproductions is 20 November 2014, 12 p.m.

The Biennial has two main sections: traditional graphics and experimental graphics. In the traditional graphics art category works created with multiplying procedure that are comprised in the definition of traditional graphics in high-, low- and plain press (wood- and lino cut, aquaforte, aquatint, mezzotint, litography, silk screen, etc.) are accepted. In the category of experimental graphics non-traditional multiplying graphics works created with the printing method that are covered by the definition of experimental graphics (unique print, C-print, offset, electrographics, etc.) are accepted. Drawings, pastel drawings, and waterpaintings are not accepted.

Works sent to the Biennial must have been created within the last two years.  Professional artists and art students from Romania and abroad can participate.

The entry form and other important information on the Biennial can be found on the event’s website: