Awarded artworks of the second edition of the International Graphic Art Biennial

The list of the awarded artworks of the second edition of the International Graphic Art Biennial were published during the official opening ceremony in Sfantu Gheorghe, May 18th 2012.

Grand Prize:

Nr. Name of the art works Name of the artist Dates about the art work Country
1 Egység Péter Ágnes C-print, 160×100cm, 2008-2010 Hungary


Plugor Sándor prize:

Nr. Name of the art works Name of the artist Dates about the art work Country
1 No other – III Branko Nikolov C-print, 120×80cm, 2011 Bulgaria


Nagy Pál prize:

Nr. Name of the art works Name of the artist Dates about the art work Country
1 Cola 4 Ioan Horvath Bugnariu C-print, 70×100cm, 2009 Romania


Nagy Imre prize:

Nr. Name of the art works Name of the artist Dates about the art work Country
1 Cycle Aires. Interaction 1 Katarzyna Kalczyńska Intaglio, 100×70cm, 2010 Poland


Cultural and Art Center Prize – Lăzarea:

Nr. Name of the art works Name of the artist Dates about the art work Country
1 Séta Ferencz S. Apor C-print, 45×65cm, 2012 Romania
2 A deviáns lélek anatómiája I. Sárosi Mátyas Zsolt C-print, 100×70cm, 2008 Romania
3 My identity Mehdi Darvishi Intaglio, 45×60cm, 2011 Iran
4 Real de Catorce Szepessy Béla Linocut, 200×90cm, 2009 Hungary
5 Ha te tudnád amit én… Căbuz Andrea C-print, 150×65cm, 2012 Romania
6 Sorskönyv XLI. Pataki Tibor C-print, 100×70cm, 2012 Hungary
Posted in 2nd Graphics Biennial, 2012.